Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spaghetti Dinner Tickets Distributed 4-5-11

The WHS Husky Track & Field team's largest fundraising event is being held on Friday, May 6th. EACH MEMBER on the roster is tasked with selling 5 tickets. You can sell them to your teachers, family members, neighbors, etc... Contact me for additional tickets, if needed.

There were 2 flyers included with the ticket envelope that has all the details needed to sell them. Be sure to note that a ticket will provide a fun night of food and entertainment. The dinner menu is Pasta, Sauce, Bread, Salad & a drink. There will also be a bake sale going on where you can purchase a tasty treat.

This event will also include a raffle, silent auction and entertainment provided by members on the team.

You MUST RETURN your ticket envelope with money inside no later than Thursday, April 21st. This is the last day of school before spring break!

Team Details:

3:00pm - set up cafeteria
5:00pm - arrive dressed appropriately (see below)
Boys: Button down shirts with collar (tie optional)
Girls: Dress, skirt or nice slacks
5:30 - 7:00 Serve, sell, help where asked
8:00pm - clean up cafeteria

Event Details:

Friday, May 6th
Tickets cost $6.00 per person
WHS Cafeteria
Doors open at 5:30pm